Friday, December 19, 2008


The cold war is similar to the war on terrorism. It is similar to that war because we have been fighting them for a good while now. Also the cold war is against communism not a specific country though it was mostly Russia. Terrorism is against just terrorist not just the middle east. They are also the same because we both kinda have bombs but they dont really show them. So those are a couple of similar things with these 2 wars.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The cold war did not become a world war thanks to our strategy. helping some of the countrys where they were getting sorounded by communist really ended up the right thing to do. Also since we just kinda went around actually stopping other country's
and not fighting the Russians who had WMD. If we had ended up fighting Russia themselves we would have started a world war. It did not become a world war thanks to the Russians not ever attacking our land and us not aattacking theres. So thats why I think we did nit end up at a world war.